Jane Straight© Gotu kola ~ Centella asiatica

Esteemed sub-tropical perennial herb.  Gotu kola is a low growing, sweetly trailing plant that grows beautifully in filtered light.  It is easy to grow but needs protection from frost.  Originally an Indian herb and probably the most important rejuvenative in Ayurvedic medicine.  SUPER BRAIN FOOD! 

• herb of longevity

• revitalizes the brain & calms the central nervous system

• ability to decrease senility ~ great for cognitive function & dementia

 • fortifies the immune system, strengthens the adrenals, purifies the blood

• used by yogis for meditation (a cup of tea with honey)

According to the plant Doctrine of Signatures, individual leaves resemble the 2 lobes of the brain with the neurological veins and long brain stem.  Check it out!


Jane Straight© Sacred Datura ~ Datura wrightii