Cultivating Allies Blog

In Pursuit of Erythroxylum coca The Divine Plant of the Incas
The year was 1986, and the place was the spectacular Cordillera de Talamanca mountain range in Costa Rica. The Cordillera de Talamanca is a vast wildlife habitat with pristine mountain rivers and waterfalls that seems to extend forever. Our destination was Las Cruces Biological Station where we were to meet a Mr. Robert Wilson…

Beneficial Plant Acknowledgment
As a practicing herbalist I had never heard of this plant. My family business originally acquired it because of our interest in some of the other species of Justicia. At least two of the others are known Ayahuasca admixture plants. This, we thought, was a beautiful horticultural species. Turns out it has an extensive history of serious medicinal use including anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-oxidant, analgesic, respiratory, and hepatoprotective properties. It is well known in Nigeria as a blood tonic/booster for treating anemia.
Ethnobotany & Initiation Rites ~ A Mother’s Perspective
In light of the most recent, devastating mass shootings in the U.S., I feel compelled to update and offer this piece on initiation rites that I wrote many years ago as part of my CAADE (California Alcohol and Drug Educator) certification. It was originally written as more of an interesting historical piece but today I edit it as more of a plea for finding ways to work with the plight of our modern youth.

Recipe for Majoon
An Arabic word for medicinal cannabis confections
Many cultures throughout history have found the psychoactive effects of THC and other cannabinoids to be beneficial to body, mind, and spirit. Majoon is an ancient cannabis edible and traditional Middle Eastern treat that resembles a bliss ball, or fudge. It is used as an anodyne for pain, as an aphrodisiac, and to bring happiness, joy, and inner peace to the user. Majoon is typically consumed in the evenings after dinner.

Got Stress? Anxiety? Consider Ashwagandha!
An Extraordinary Beneficial Plant
In light of a culture seriously riddled with stress, I offer this piece on an outstanding Ayurvedic herb that has been used for 3,000 years primarily to restore vitality. At this time it is cast as one of the most beneficial plant medicines in the world for the relief of stress & anxiety. Hop on the Ashwagandha train and experience it for yourself.